Hans Peter Kessler, a German resident with criminal record, scammer and business fraud in the Philippines. Please be aware of this scammer.
We are a small group of people in the Philippines Expat Community who got scammed by Hans Peter Kessler, the owner of Euro Foods Phils business which supplies Oettinger beer.
We have decided in the past few months to conduct further investigations to uncover his crimes.
We found out that Hans Peter Kessler is guilty for
Hans Peter Kessler was arrested on October 31, 2021 for raping his housekeeper.
Borrowed money from at least three (3) foreigners and failed to repay them
We keep their names private. Hans Peter Kessler is well known in the Philippine Expat Community about his frequent financial assistance demands. Please contact our partner if you were also a victim of Hans Peter Kessler`s financial fraud (mathis.bauwens@zohomail.eu).
Hans Peter Kessler`s false claim as business owner of EuroFoodsPhils
Euro Foods Phils is a registered wholesale company in the Philippines and owned by Christian Peter Sarmiento Kessler.
Christian Peter Sarmiento Kessler is the son of Hans Peter Kesslers.
(Facebook profile, click here) .
We found out that his son, who was born in the Philippines is living in Germany for many years already and is a German citizen.
FDA Product Registration Fraud
Hans Peter Kessler manipulated the registration papers for them to be approved by the FDA. His fraud was revealed by the Philippine authorities in 2017 when his import license was suspended, click to see the official link to custom.gov.ph or
Tax fraud to the Philippine tax office BIR
We collected Euro Foods Sales and Expenses documents. Fraud can be revealed by any accountant. More than 30% of his products did not appear in his official tax returns. He is selling his beers to private clients without issuing any receipts.
An attempt to borrow money via voice message (German language only)
The audio file in German was sent by our partner. In this tape Hans Peter Kessler tried to borrow money.
Hans Peter Kessler skills to solve his suspended import license (German language only)
Real Land Title Documents?
He is claiming to own property in Lipa City (actually his wife does). Beware to do business with him. He use every opportunity to scam.
Here are the documents he shows everyone.